Artero: an essential brand
What is the history and evolution of Artero?
- Artero, with its 114 years of history, has evolved from a company selling instruments for esquilado de caballos (horse esquilado) to a leader in dog styling and professional training.
What are Artero's main areas of activity?
- Artero covers three main areas: canine care and styling (Pet Care and Artero Academy), hairdressing and barbering tools for humans (Hair Tools), and recently, products for horse care (Equine Care ).
How important is the canine division in the company?
- The canine division is crucial, representing 80% of Artero's overall billing, with a presence of more than 12,000 canine estilistas (stylists) and 10,000 canine hairdressing establishments in Spain.
How does Artero support the training of dog styling professionals?
- In 2010, Artero launched Artero Academy, a professional training initiative that now includes 110 centers across the country.
What is Artero's new initiative in the field of horse care?
- The new business line, Equine Care, aims to provide high quality products for horse owners, with a particular interest in the Arab countries market.
How is Artero managing its international expansion?
- Artero is present in 90 countries, with delegations in the United States, the United Kingdom, a business center in Argentina and a new delegation in France.
What are Artero's future goals?
- Artero aims to resist pressure from investment groups, maintain the family business, and focus on expanding the Equine Care line.
How does Artero view growth and innovation?
- With a growth forecast of 12% for 2023, Artero seeks to innovate while remaining true to its roots, notably through the expansion of its local production.
What is the role of events and competitions in Artero's strategy?
- Artero organizes and sponsors important events and competitions in the dog styling sector, such as the Jornadas Artero and the campeonato internacional de peluquería canina, to promote excellence and innovation.
What is the meaning of Musa for Artero?
- Musa, the mascot of the Spanish football teams and a model for the promotion of the company, symbolizes Artero's commitment to animal welfare, going beyond its role as a simple marketing tool to become a valuable member of the Artero family.

ARTERO BLACK 2M (flow 150 L / s)
310,10 €

223,76 €

182,72 €

1.361,90 €

384,23 €