10 L BIOENERGY PLUS, pre-bath mask

185 €

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Have you never groomed with a pre-bath mask before?

Find out why you are missing out on an innovation that will transform your grooming and help you take the next step.


Very concentrated, it acts instantly and has a double action "beauty" and "health ".

It improves texture, revives natural coat colors, hydrates and restores both fur and skin. Ideal for preparing furs for cuts and helping to repair damaged coats.

This Special One innovation , sometimes difficult to apprehend because it adds a step to the "classic" bath cycle , is nevertheless an essential element of the Special One Hydration Program .
Its ultra-technological composition will immediately do a lot of good to the hair and skin of your animal. The result of your grooming strongly depends on it.


Apply on dry, dirty, undamaged hair.

* objective Beauty / Detangling : leave on for 5 to 30 minutes depending on the desired intensity. Dilution at 1/20.

* objective Health : leave on for at least 20 minutes. Use pure on the most "critical" parts, and diluted to 1/15 elsewhere.


Ideally, Bioenergy is mixed with one or more oily-based Integrator products , for optimal efficiency.

Then, the bath is extended with any shampoo + mask + conditioner from the Special One range.

* Product not from organic farming