SKU: WEX-SGP250 (54)
46,90 €
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SOFT GROOMING POWDER is the impalpable white powder that we recommend for whitening the coat.
Who is this product for?
Everyone will find it of real interest!
☑️ Groomers ☑️ Breeders ☑️ Individuals ☑️ Competitors ☑️ Handlers
What benefits can I expect?
✅ Allows to whiten the hair
✅ Fine texture that brings softness
✅ Offers volume to the coat
✅ Ideal for exhibitions and competitions
Examples and suggested uses
🔥Hair whitening in combination with Model Cream:
To be used on dry hair.
Apply MODEL CREAM very thinly and lightly; it must cover all of the hair to be bleached, without presenting any clumps or excess thickness.
Even out the distribution by massaging and/or brushing.
When the film of cream is satisfactory, sprinkle the SOFT GROOMING POWDER, and help grip by (manual) pressure.
Renew the dusting until the desired color is obtained.
🔥Volumize the hair:
To be used on dry hair. Dust generously and massage in the Soft Grooming Powder deeply to create a powdery cushion. Massage and use a brush to optimize homogenization.
Recommended Combinations
✨Completes perfectly any Special One program, since hair whitening can be done on all types of hair and on all textures, from the coarsest to the silkiest.
Our commitments
+90% biodegradable cosmetics
Paraben-free, Silicone-free
Not tested on animals.
Recyclable packaging HDPE02
Choice by race?
🎈 Some examples of breeds that Soft Grooming Powder is happy with:
✔️ All Cats
✔️ All dogs in the grooming salon to whiten the coat
✔️ Ideal for competitions and exhibitions
✔️ All curly coats (Poodles, Bichons, Kerry Blue, Soft Coaten, Bedlington, etc.)
✔️ All terriers (Scottish, Westie, Welsh, etc)
✔️ Australian Shepherds / White Shepherds
The list is long and not exhaustive!