YUDIGEST, Digestion

SKU: 934

45,80 €

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YuDIGEST is a probiotic/prebiotic complex to support the natural balance in the digestive system - ideal for dogs and cats with sensitive bellies.

YuDIGEST Dogs and Cats

( formerly Yumpro Bioactiv)


Boosts your dog's and cat's digestive health

How does this dietary supplement work?

YuDIGEST is made with the highest quality active ingredients to help keep your pet's tummy healthy.Our unique Bioactiv supplements strengthen your pet's intestinal flora.They then compete with "bad" bacteria that may have invaded the digestive system. Meanwhile, prebiotics - a special type of carbohydrate - play a supporting role for the 'good' bacteria.Each tablet provides E. faecium probiotics, plus a Bioactiv prebiotic complex of MOS, scFOS and Beta glucans.These active ingredients work together to maintain a healthy and natural balance in the digestive system of your pet to keep the belly in a stable and pleasant state.

Yudigest keeps the stools firm and ensures a healthy intestinal flora. The stools are firmed, the condition of the anal glands improved because they become less engorged.

Think of the ultra-efficient combo: YuDIGEST + YuDIGEST PLUS.

These two supplements work together to restore and maintain good digestive health. First turn to YuDIGEST PLUS for a shock action, and thus help it return to normal (In case of severe digestive disorders with very soft stools or diarrhoea). Then try YuDIGEST every day to maintain routine digestive health, keep stools firm and improve intestinal flora.

YuDigest makes weaning easier!Puppies and kittens can have difficult transitions to changing food, while their body builds its immune system.YuDIGEST PLUS can be given to youngsters to help support their digestive system as they move onto solid food.


• Supports good digestive health

• Blocks harmful bacteria

• Completes the beneficial bacteria population

• Relieves digestive pain

• Weaning aid

How to calculate the daily dosage to be administered?

For cats: 1 tablet per day.
This product is very easy to use. Just mix it with your pet's main meal.Introduce it gradually, giving only half a dose during the first week.

Dog weight Daily amount
0 ➔ 10 Kg 1 tablet
11 ➔ 25 Kg 2 tablets
26 ➔ 40 Kg 3 tablets
41 Kg and + 4 tablets

What's in this product?

Discover the detailed composition on the tab Technical Sheet of this food supplement.


Enterococcus faecium E1707


